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... posted on Sep 22 2002, 1,131 reads


Every year Americans buy 14 million new bicycles and discard 5 million old ones. When David Schweidenback was in a little town of Ecuador, he realized how much a bicycle meant to the locals there. Upon his return home, he fixed up 12 old bikes and sent 'em to Ecuador. Today, 11 years later, Pedals for Progress has sent over 58000 bikes to the poor all over the world!... posted on Sep 21 2002, 667 reads


What would you do with a million dollars? Twenty leading scientists will receive a million bucks over the next four years to bring the creativity they have shown in the lab to the undergraduate classroom. "Research is advancing at a breathtaking pace, but many university students are still learning science the same old way, by listening to lectures, memorizing facts and doing cookbook lab experi... posted on Sep 20 2002, 5,608 reads


An accident leaves her severly handicapped, an eye infection leaves him blind. Together, each year they work on a special set of greeting cards. Manohar does the drawing and Mahema prepares a short write-up explaining the particular significance of the place, building, statue or scene that he has drawn. The cards are sold and the proceeds donated to one of the many charities they are involved wit... posted on Sep 19 2002, 586 reads


When the dot-coms went bust, Silicon Valley's unemployment rate sky rocketed. But so did applications to Peace Corps, which went up by 12%. Dot-commers out of a job are making most of their time off and enaging in social change. "Upgrade your memories, download the world":... posted on Sep 18 2002, 2,142 reads


Human beings see the world in a new way every morning. The first time we open our eyes, the top layer of our vision sense receptors is simply scorched away. ... posted on Sep 17 2002, 1,191 reads


... posted on Sep 16 2002, 324 reads


One thing worse than having mice living in your house is the cruelty that is often involved in getting rid of them. New devices like this mousetrap make catching mice not only guilt-free, but fun! ... posted on Sep 15 2002, 1,045 reads


Cambodian workmen have unearthed 27 solid gold Buddha statuettes, buried for hundreds of years beneath the foundations of a ruined pagoda hidden deep in the jungle. ... posted on Sep 14 2002, 1,066 reads


A study conducted at the University of Michigan Research Center and published in the March 1998 Issue of American Health found that volunteering, more than any other activity, dramatically increases life expectancy.... posted on Sep 13 2002, 925 reads


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Food is the field in which we daily explore our 'harming' of the world.
Gary Snyder

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